Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Dreaming of Spring

So, I got a great review from the buyer of the GreenWoman scrub, so it prompted me to do another scrub. Sadly, spring is not due for some time, and so there is no fresh mint in my garden. So, thinking of a whole different type, I started with a base of my Himalayan pink salts (that I use in the Seelie bath salts) and ground them in with lavender buds, making a very fragrant mix of pink and purple. Then, for the extra fae element, threw in some fresh bicolored (yellow and green) lemon thyme, which is still alive in the garden, and blended that in as well with safflower and vitamin e oils. The end result is a lovely pink, purple and green salt scrub with a very lovely lavender-lemon thyme scent. It looks and smells like a spring garden, even if it is still another month or two away (depending on where you live.)
I also bought a new plant in my desperate pleas for spring to hasten thusly: a New Zealand tea tree plant! I am hopeful to soon make a couple of new Magic Vial Pendants taking advantage of the tiny plants tiny buds/flowers that look so very like extremely miniature roses. However, I have gotten a new day job and haven't yet had a chance to sit down and make my pendants since I bought the plant just this last weekend.

But, it is in the workings, though! And it gives me more time to read up and find out which gemstones would partner with it best.


A little off to the side, but I think only a little, is I just found out one of my favorite dress shops in SoHo has an etsy page! And I say it's only a little off to the side because when I first found them, I found a blurb that had them self-described as ". . . a Victorian psychedelic fairy dream." and that seems pretty on target for me :-) So, I introduce, apparently built last September, MoMo FaLana of SoHo, now on etsy!

I actually went to the store once last summer and tried some things on, though sadly, very much unemployed at the time, the expense was not possible. However, I adore their work, it's beautiful and different and I've been thinking of taking a trip back now that I have more regular income.

The hardest part of plugging these designers, I have to admit, is picking just one dress to feature on the blog. It's a little easier since their etsy shop has a much more limited scope than the actual shop or their full gallery on their non-etsy website. (My favorite green and blue dress that I tried on last summer is not there, more's the pity.) This one, however, is a gorgeous example, though I don't think I'd ever be taken anywhere nice enough for one of their long gowns. Still, as a work of art, beautiful!

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