Here is a picture of the giant Ball jar I mixed up yesterday with 2 cups of fresh lilac blossoms (HUGE! I'd never seen a varietal this large! There is an old varietal behind my s/o's family house - think he said his grandmother may have planted it - also, could be sure it hasn't been sprayed with any kind of pesticides or other chemicals)
I'm not sure how long it'll take to cure - but we'll see how it goes over the next few days. I've read some places that lilacs smell better than they taste, but the Swedish blogs seem to mention lots of uses for lilac sugar. Primarily, I'm hoping to make some great sugar scrubs for my From Faerie bath line. Though, if it's tasty, I might save some for myself for baking.
Otherwise, I've been trying to build up stock for my first ever Convention vending opportunity at the Steampunk World's Fair. I'll be under the wing/banner of my friends over at Dark Side Customs who absolutely rock the kasbah when it comes to steampunk jewelry. That's why as of today, I've temporarily shut down my etsy shop to help dedicate more time to crafting as much as possible. I won't be able to attend all 3 days, due to prior obligations, but I'm looking forward to spending Friday with them. I've been especially hammering out some original paintings, and working on making as much From Faerie bath goodies as I can.

Yup, a brain in a jar. Blended with milk and honey powders to be extra luxurious on your skin. Probably won't be selling them in jars, just one for display, and then, grab as many brains as you want for $2 a pop. Will also have a LOT more smaller heart-shaped versions for $0.50 each (takes about 2 for a small tub or x-large foot bath). I'm hoping the lilac sugar *might* be ready in time, but I'm not overly confident. There will be all the other From Faerie soaks and scrubs, though, in somewhat limited quantities (had 2 weeks notice, and since I don't use essential oils, it takes time for these things to "cure").
Here's hoping! I'm really excited!
Of course, the first thing I wanted to check on etsy was to see if anyone was making anything lilac flavored - nope. (There's an idea, if I ever could have access to a certified kitchen, could do a seasonal line of floral treats that no one else seems to be making. - I wonder if you need a certified kitchen to sell things that can't really be tainted, like flavored sugars?)
So, there's no lilac edibles, that doesn't mean there aren't tons of other lilac themed products.

I'm also going to point out that, if flowers aren't so much your thing, the Bamboo Pear with "green woods," pear, and tarragon sounds amazing, too! And this is just the Spring Collection, there are over 200 items and all sorts of goodies to comb through!
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