Friday, June 5, 2009

Rainy Day Update

Look what a DeviantArt fan made for me! it's a Support button for Izile's Oddities! Feel free to grab it if you want to put it on your blog of anywhere else!

SkyeTrinity really did a great job!

Also, I've uploaded some new Magic Vial Pendants to Izile's Oddities, and hope to make some more this weekend.

This one on the left is Magic Vial - Summer, and is a beautiful fade effect from deep blue green emeralds, to bright yellow green peridot, to solid yellow rose petals, all in sterling silver.


Searching "Rainy," it wasn't very long until I found something quite eye-catching. The Haunted Hollow Tree has a beautiful print made from a wood burning piece called Waiting.

There's something about the color and the style of the faceless woman that reminds me of the paintings from Stephen King's Rose Madder, a book with a lot of personal, and spooky significance to me.

She also has wonderfully detailed and finely lined images of fantastical trees, and highly realistic animals. Definitely a strong recommendation to check out her shop!


Baroness Bijoutery said...

Oh I love "Waiting" it is so stunning and unique...

Meghann said...

Very nice! I hope you have a sunny weekend :)

Anonymous said...

Your works put me under a charm. Thank you for the wonderful blog that sits the beholder in awe.

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And hope to get your comments.
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