Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Yes, well, I suppose I should. Things have been rather stressful the past week or so, and I've wanted to crawl under a rock and hide in my basement. Last night, I made myself get out of the house with some friends, because I knew it'd do me good, and staying home and sobbing for another day wasn't going to make my life any better.

Went out, had a great time, feeling so much better - AND - I won $97 at bingo!


So, let's see what comes up on etsy when you look at "bingo."

Well, it looks like one of the hottest "bingo" items is the Bingo Book. There are a few different sellers of these on etsy, but I've picked Another Work in Progress for today. Bingo Books are blank books, perfect for doodling, journaling, or keeping score when playing your favorite game at the bar, that are hand bound between two vintage Bingo cards for the cover.

The ones for sale by Another Work in Progress are available in a variety of colors, white or rainbow colored blank pages, and range from $28 to $50. Exceedingly cute!

And if Bingo's not your thing, don't worry, they also sell a variety of other board game books, original spiral and hand bound books, and even some tiny book pendants! So there's plenty to browse through.

1 comment:

storybeader said...

love the bingo book! congrats. on the winning streak!