Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Spring Fever

Yes, it's February; we just had our first big, multi-day snow up here, and it's not all melted away yet. It's the southerner in me. Long winters just don't sit well, even if they are mild by northeast standards.

I made a vial for spring, "Rebirth." I used up the last of my blue tourmaline (so pretty), threw in a little green tourmaline and some sodalite. The two floaty shapes are the hearts removed from two tiny little pine cones I'd found last time I was in central park. The whole pine cones were smaller than my thumb (just adorable.)

It'll be nice when real spring gets here. I should be in Seattle for the first day of spring. I'm thinking of taking my supplies with me during my little trip to the west coast so I can keep crafting while I'm out there. Plus, when I was there in September, there was such a wonderful variety of plant life just everywhere. It should be quite inspiring. I'll just either need to make sure I bring plenty of gemstones with me or see about locating a gem shop before I head out.


Speaking on spring. The FaeEtsy crew has been gearing up for spring.

Darkling Woods has this adorable Spring Mandala in a print and a pocket mirror. I normally like to make some kind of commentary about the items I feature here, but for the life of me, I can't think to say about this piece. It's just so pretty, I just keep staring at it.

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