Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I'm in an odd mood as of late. I don't really know how to describe it or go into it. I've started tutoring a little to help with the income, and it's definitely a "learning experience," in the words of my Mother. I can never tell if she's holding back some kind of sadistic laughter when she says that or if it's honest, genuine. . . . concern? maybe?

So. Yes. Odd.

Oh, look! A new Magic Vial Pendant! I haven't posted one on here in ages! There's two of these currently in my etsy shop at Izile's Oddities, and they're a little different than the rest - they're 50% bigger!

I had made a small ordering error and purchased a small amount of bottles in a size 50% bigger than my standard vials without realizing it. Now, I paid less for this size, but they hold a lot more, but in these cases, I've used some of the least expensive crystals for the base. This one is mostly filled with Rose Quartz with one chunk of Ruby, and then Rosemary and a whole Rose bud. In the end, it works out that they cost about the same as your standard vial pendant.


Over 24,000 results when you enter the word "weird" into etsy. And there are some SERIOUSLY weird items (though, there are quite a few things that I do not understand how they are "weird" at all.) to be found under the category. There are some amazing "weird" entries if you sort by most expensive and look through the first few pages, but you know, on this blog, I rarely feature anything over $100.00.

I still think my favorite type of "weird" is faux taxidermy. I was never a fan of honest taxidermy as a child - though it was everywhere in the South (not in my house, though!) - as I was rather the type of child who would yell at people for shooting Bambi's Mom and say inappropriate things to friends of my parents, like "what a lovely room of death you have." (me, probably age 9?) However, I have a morbid sense of aesthetic appreciation for fake taxidermy, or gaff taxidermy using roadkill. (And those of you who know me know I left my rather rabid animal rights days behind me shortly after graduation from high school.)

Not exactly what I was thinking I'd find, but the first thing that caught my attention was Harem Royal: Screwpulous Jewelry. I don't normally cut/paste from the shop descriptions themselves, but I find it was too well worded on the front page for me to even attempt writing a better definition: "Deadly Gorgeous Glam Goth, Avant Garde Victorian Steampunk and Vampire Black Forest Taxidermy or just simply Screwpulous Jewelry. Beauty is a weapon, right? Can`t have the femme without fatale!" The prices range from just over $20 to a good bit over $200, to offer everyone a wide range of options for their taste and budget. Please do note, the shipping is from Europe and may be a bit steep for those of us America-side. "Susanoo: the Shinto god of seas, storms and thunder" is shown.

Other than that, I guess all I would say is, apparently my favorite trend of "plush kill" or "felt-i-dermy" is decreasing in popularity, as my favorite old shop seems to have poofered and am not seeing many new examples.

Ah well. Weird.

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