Friday, July 15, 2011

Good News!

My garden is going to be back! Yesterday I came back from a trip to the beach to find my roommate and my landlord out in the garden area breaking down the construction waste that's been a problem since we moved in nearly 5 years ago. This had lead to several problems in the past few months that pretty much made my garden completely inaccessible. BUT, we pitched in and with 6 of us all working, got the yard cleaned up enough last night that today I've started cleaning out the beds. I'm taking a noon-time break at the moment, as it's just too hot out there. I've done almost all the weeding and have broken up the dirt on half the garden. I just need to finish a little weeding, break up the other half of dirt, and clean up. Either tomorrow, or soon at any rate, I'll mix in some top soil and good fertilizers into the neglected beds and replant. I miss my mint! Thinking of this time getting regular, some citrus mint variation, and if I find a good one, maybe pineapple mint, it as a really pretty variegated leaf that I think will look good in my vials, now that I'll be able to get back to them more regularly.

This also means that we can have summer cookouts again! Yeah! Finally, something is looking up


So, my hands are a little rough and sore after working in my garden and getting most of the weeding done, so on that note I searched "Garden salve"

Herbolution got my attention with their name and their Gardener's Butter. All their products are 100% natural, 100% organic and eco-friendly. The Gardener's Butter is an extra rich blend of herbs, oils and butters with the added benefit of Chickweed for helping with itchy skin, insect bites, rashes and wounds, all things you can get on your hands from working in the yard too long without gloves. (I know, I know, I should, but I just can't use gloves, my hands are too small and I lose tactile sensation. So I'd rather get sore, slightly cut-up hands and just have a good salve than try and work in gloves. Besides, I LIKE getting my hands IN the earth itself.)

The rest of their shop is 8 pages of wonderful handmade, natural, organic joy. Facial cleansers, body polishes, lip balms, body butters, bath bombs, and just a whole lot more of options to browse through. Definitely worth the time. And oh lookie! SAMPLES!


adina said...

That sounds like so much fun (although painful). I wish I had a garden that grew mint! (Or for that matter, a garden at all!)

Brenda said...

I'm glad you will be able to have a garden again soon! I love my garden! I'm a new follower from Entrecard.